Vyzuonos basic school with Early Childhood Education, pre-primary and primary classes, located in the easten Lithuanian part, Utena region, 100 km from the capital Vilnius.
The school has a staff of 22 teachers (18 of them involved in the project), and 90 children from 3 to 16 years of age .
Our school has 15% children with specific learning problems such as writing, memory etc. and it is necessary to adopt the teaching program for them. 19% children has behaviour and socialization problems, 6% children are at risk of social exclusion because their famlies depends to social abandoned group.
This is a public school, supported by public funds.
The socioeconomic and cultural level of half families is middle, 55% famlies get state support as their living level is lower than minimal.
The most families are catholics but the school is not associated with any particular religious faith, and it is respectful to all creeds and ideologies.
Our guiding principle is coeducation and we advocate the principle of equality.
Vyzuonos basic school with Early Childhood Education, pre-primary and primary classes, located in the easten Lithuanian part, Utena region, 100 km from the capital Vilnius.
The school has a staff of 22 teachers (18 of them involved in the project), and 90 children from 3 to 16 years of age .
Our school has 15% children with specific learning problems such as writing, memory etc. and it is necessary to adopt the teaching program for them. 19% children has behaviour and socialization problems, 6% children are at risk of social exclusion because their famlies depends to social abandoned group.
This is a public school, supported by public funds.
The socioeconomic and cultural level of half families is middle, 55% famlies get state support as their living level is lower than minimal.
The most families are catholics but the school is not associated with any particular religious faith, and it is respectful to all creeds and ideologies.
Our guiding principle is coeducation and we advocate the principle of equality.
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